
Daily Attendance
Consistent attendance at school is essential for academic progress and promotion. When a child is absent, the parent/guardian should call the middle school office at 267-9220 by 9:30 a.m. Students that are absent or tardy from school will require a health professional’s note to be considered excused from school. If possible, please make appointments after school hours.


· Attendance

Students exceeding (5) absences per trimester will be required to make up (1) hour of academic recovery time for each absence, after school, in the Student Support Center. Family vacations, outside of the district-wide school calendar, are not considered excused absences.  Students with excessive absences may be referred to the NH. Division of Children Youth and Families and/or lose the right to participate in extracurricular activities.  

Students who are absent from school must work with their teachers to make up work within a reasonable amount of time. Parents and/or students may email teacher to request work for the day of their absence.

Students who are absent, tardy or dismissed early from school may not be allowed to attend school-sponsored events after school, on the day of their absence, tardiness or dismissal.  Exceptions will be made for students who produce a note from a medical/mental health professional providing evidence of the student’s need to be out of school.


· Tardiness

Students are considered tardy if they are not in their assigned room at 7:45am.  After being tardy five times per trimester, a student will be required to make-up one hour after school in the Student Support Center for each additional incident of tardiness.



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